Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Day In The Life of Noah

This morning, i woke up for yet another day of school. It took me a while to wake up because I had to stay up a little later the night before in order to finish some homeworok (typical). I took a rather longer than normal shower because i accidentally fell asleep in the shower, this however is not part of my usual routine. After getting yelled at for taking so long to get out of the shower I was ready to head to school. But before that I had to take the garbage to the top of the drive way due to the fact that it is garbage day. After a fairly expedient car ride I arrived at Village Christian Acadamey. I did not immediately go to the gym, instead, I went to get a chicken biscuit from the cafeteria. After I got to the gym I realized that I had gotten a sasuage biscuit on accident. This was quite upsetting but it alled worked out in the end because Nick Martin ended up not wanting his biscuit and gave it to me. It only seemed like I was in the gym for about 10 minutes when the teacher who was on duty (i can't remeber who) told us to go to class. So there i was sitting in spanish class when all of the sudden Mrs. Alejandro tells us we have a test today. I was completly unaware but I ended up doing fine on the test anyway. Next, I went to Biology where i took an open note quiz which was as easy if not easier as pie. Then we headed to chapel where Mr. Privette spoke for the second time. After that I took yet another World History test that was the third one for those of you keeping score at home. After that I went to lunch which was pretty uneventful which was nice for a change. After that I got to go to principles of business and turn in all the missing work I had missing in that class which made me happy. Last, but certainly not least, i went to Journalism where we were required to write a 250 word editorial.

Noah Toomey

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